Content presentation
Task list
Use the task list to give users more control over how they complete long, complex services.
The task list component displays all the tasks a user needs to do, and allows users to easily identify which ones are done and which they still need to do.
<ul class="nhsuk-task-list">
<li class="nhsuk-task-list__item nhsuk-task-list__item--with-link">
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__name-and-hint"><a class="nhsuk-link nhsuk-task-list__link" href="#" aria-describedby="your-health-1-status">Exercise</a></div>
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__status nhsuk-task-list__status--completed" id="your-health-1-status">Completed</div>
<li class="nhsuk-task-list__item nhsuk-task-list__item--with-link">
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__name-and-hint"><a class="nhsuk-link nhsuk-task-list__link" href="#" aria-describedby="your-health-2-status">Personal health</a></div>
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__status nhsuk-task-list__status--completed" id="your-health-2-status">Completed</div>
<li class="nhsuk-task-list__item nhsuk-task-list__item--with-link">
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__name-and-hint"><a class="nhsuk-link nhsuk-task-list__link" href="#" aria-describedby="your-health-3-hint your-health-3-status">Family health history</a>
<div id="your-health-3-hint" class="nhsuk-task-list__hint">Details of your parents, brothers and sisters</div>
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__status" id="your-health-3-status"><strong class="nhsuk-tag nhsuk-tag--blue">
<li class="nhsuk-task-list__item nhsuk-task-list__item--with-link">
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__name-and-hint"><a class="nhsuk-link nhsuk-task-list__link" href="#" aria-describedby="your-health-4-status">Smoking history</a></div>
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__status" id="your-health-4-status"><strong class="nhsuk-tag nhsuk-tag--blue">
<li class="nhsuk-task-list__item">
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__name-and-hint">
<div>Blood test</div>
<div class="nhsuk-task-list__status nhsuk-task-list__status--cannot-start-yet" id="your-health-5-status">Cannot start yet</div>
Nunjucks macro options
Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.
Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.
If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
classes | string | false | Classes to add to the `ul` container for the task list. |
attributes | object | false | HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the `ul` container for the task list. |
idPrefix | string | false | Optional prefix. This is used to prefix the `id` attribute for the task list item tag and hint, separated by `-`. Defaults to "task-list". |
items | array | true | The items for each task within the task list component. See items. |
items[].title | object | true | The main title for the task within the task list component. See title. |
items[].title{}.text | string | true | Text to use within the title. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored. |
items[].title{}.html | string | true | HTML to use within the title. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored. |
items[].title{}.classes | string | false | Classes to add to the title wrapper. |
items[].hint | object | false | Can be used to add a hint to each task within the task list component. See items hint. |
items[].hint{}.text | string | true | Text to use within the hint. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored. |
items[].hint{}.html | string | true | HTML to use within the hint. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored. |
items[].status | object | true | The status for each task within the task list component. See items status. |
items[].status{}.tag | object | false | Can be used to add a tag to the status of the task within the task list component. See tag. |
items[].status{}.text | string | false | Text to use for the status, as an alternative to using a tag. If `html` or `tag` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored. |
items[].status{}.html | string | false | HTML to use for the status, as an alternative to using a tag. If `html` or `tag` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored. |
items[].status{}.classes | string | false | Classes to add to the status container. |
items[].href | string | false | The value of the link's `href` attribute for the task list item. |
items[].classes | string | false | Classes to add to the item `div`. |
{% from "task-list/macro.njk" import taskList %}
{{ taskList({
idPrefix: "your-health",
items: [
title: {
text: "Exercise"
href: "#",
status: {
text: "Completed",
classes: "nhsuk-task-list__status--completed"
title: {
text: "Personal health"
href: "#",
status: {
text: "Completed",
classes: "nhsuk-task-list__status--completed"
title: {
text: "Family health history"
hint: {
text: "Details of your parents, brothers and sisters"
href: "#",
status: {
tag: {
text: "Incomplete",
classes: "nhsuk-tag--blue"
title: {
text: "Smoking history"
href: "#",
status: {
tag: {
text: "Incomplete",
classes: "nhsuk-tag--blue"
title: {
text: "Blood test"
status: {
text: "Cannot start yet",
classes: "nhsuk-task-list__status--cannot-start-yet"
}) }}
When to use the task list
If your users have to get through a long or complex service, use the task list to give them more control. For example, if some users cannot complete the tasks in one sitting.
You can also use a task list to allow users to complete tasks in the order they choose. This will help them plan their time and complete sections as and when they can.
When not to use the task list
Try to simplify the service before you use a task list. If you're able to reduce the number of tasks or steps involved, you might not need one.
Do not use the task list as a way of showing users their answers. For this, use a summary list instead.
How the task list works
Where possible, let users complete tasks in whatever order they like.
The status alongside the task indicates whether they can start it. Users can select a task to start completing it. Once they have completed it and returned to the task list, the status for that task will have changed to "Completed".
Users can only move on from the task list when all tasks are shown as "Completed".
Find more information about how to use the task list in a service in the complete multiple tasks pattern guidance.
Tasks are usually actions that the user needs to take to complete a service.
Each task in a task list includes a task name and a status. It can also include hint text if you decide this is needed.
The whole row turns grey on hover to show that it is linked, allowing users to select anywhere in it to start the task.
Write clear task descriptions
The task name gives users a reasonable expectation of what that task is about. For example, "Your contact details" or "Upload evidence". Use sentence case and keep it short. Users of screen readers might find it difficult to navigate the task list if the task names are too long.
If you're finding it difficult to come up with a clear and concise task name, it might be because the task itself is too complex and may need to be separated into smaller tasks. Group questions and actions into tasks in a way that makes sense to users, based on their needs.
Adding hint text
Only use hint text if there is evidence that the user needs more information about what the task will include.
Keep hint text to a single, short sentence. Screen readers read out the entire text when users interact with the task link. This could frustrate users if the text is long.
Do not include links in the hint text. The whole task row links users to the task itself, so any links in the hint text will not work.
Grouping tasks
If there are a lot of tasks to complete, you might find that grouping them makes it easier for users to understand and plan what they need to do. Tasks can be grouped into separate task lists on a page. Give each task list a short heading that clearly explains the grouping.
Find more information on grouping tasks in the complete multiple tasks pattern guidance.
Statuses use colour and a short descriptor to give users a quick overview of how much of the task list they have completed, and how much is left to do.
Find more information on how to show statuses in the complete multiple tasks pattern guidance.
Research on the task list
The GOV.UK design system developed and tested this component. Find out more about their research on the GOV.UK task list page.
If you are using this component in a service, we would like to hear about any user research so that we can identify any potential issues.
Help us improve this guidance
Share insights or feedback and take part in the discussion. We use GitHub as a collaboration space. All the information on it is open to the public.
Read more about how to feedback or share insights.
If you have any questions, get in touch with the service manual team.
Updated: November 2024