Form elements - Text input

Use text input to let users enter a single line of text.

Open this default text input example in a new tab
Copy default text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example">
    Full name
  <input class="nhsuk-input" id="example" name="example" type="text">
Close default text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for default text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy default text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "Full name"
  id: "example",
  name: "example"
}) }}
Close default text input code

When to use the text input component

Use the text input component when you need users to enter text that's no longer than a single line, such as their name or phone number.

When not to use the text input component

Do not use this component if you need users to enter longer answers that might span several lines. In this case, use the textarea component.

How to use the text input component

Give the text input a label

Give it a visible label. Do not use placeholder text for a label as it vanishes when users click on the text input.

Align labels above the text inputs they refer to. Labels should be short, direct and written in sentence case. Do not use colons at the end of labels.

If you are asking just 1 question per page as we recommend, you can set the contents of the <label> as the page heading. This is good practice as it means that screen reader users will only hear the contents once.

Make text inputs the right size

Help users understand what they should enter by making text inputs the right size for the information you want them to give you.

By default, the width of text inputs is fluid and will fit the full width of the container they are placed into.

If you want to make the input smaller, you can either use a fixed width input, or use the width override classes to create a smaller, fluid width input.

Fixed width inputs

Use fixed width inputs for content that has a specific, known length. For example, postcode inputs should be postcode-sized and phone number inputs should be phone number-sized.

On fixed width inputs, the width will remain fixed on all screens unless it is wider than the viewport, in which case it will shrink to fit.

Open this fixed width text input example in a new tab
Copy fixed width text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="input-width-20">
    20 character width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-20" id="input-width-20" name="test-width-20" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="input-width-10">
    10 character width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-10" id="input-width-10" name="test-width-10" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="input-width-5">
    5 character width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-5" id="input-width-5" name="test-width-5" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="input-width-4">
    4 character width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-4" id="input-width-4" name="test-width-4" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="input-width-3">
    3 character width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-3" id="input-width-3" name="test-width-3" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="input-width-2">
    2 character width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-2" id="input-width-2" name="test-width-2" type="text">
Close fixed width text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for fixed width text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy fixed width text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
  text: "20 character width"
  id: "input-width-20",
  name: "test-width-20",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-20"
}) }}
{{ input({
  label: {
  text: "10 character width"
  id: "input-width-10",
  name: "test-width-10",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-10"
}) }}
{{ input({
  label: {
  text: "5 character width"
  id: "input-width-5",
  name: "test-width-5",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-5"
}) }}
{{ input({
  label: {
  text: "4 character width"
  id: "input-width-4",
  name: "test-width-4",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-4"
}) }}
{{ input({
  label: {
  text: "3 character width"
  id: "input-width-3",
  name: "test-width-3",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-3"
}) }}
{{ input({
  label: {
  text: "2 character width"
  id: "input-width-2",
  name: "test-width-2",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-2"
}) }}
Close fixed width text input code

Fluid width inputs

Use the width override classes to reduce the width of an input in relation to its parent container, for example, to two-thirds.

Fluid width inputs will resize with the viewport.

Open this fluid width text input example in a new tab
Copy fluid width text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="full">
    Full width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-u-width-full" id="full" name="full" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="three-quarters">
    Three-quarters width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-u-width-three-quarters" id="three-quarters" name="three-quarters" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="two-thirds">
    Two-thirds width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-u-width-two-thirds" id="two-thirds" name="two-thirds" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="one-half">
    One-half width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-u-width-one-half" id="one-half" name="one-half" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="one-third">
    One-third width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-u-width-one-third" id="one-third" name="one-third" type="text">

<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="one-quarter">
    One-quarter width
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-u-width-one-quarter" id="one-quarter" name="one-quarter" type="text">
Close fluid width text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for fluid width text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy fluid width text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "Full width"
  classes: "nhsuk-u-width-full",
  id: "full",
  name: "full"
}) }}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "Three-quarters width"
  classes: "nhsuk-u-width-three-quarters",
  id: "three-quarters",
  name: "three-quarters"
}) }}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "Two-thirds width"
  classes: "nhsuk-u-width-two-thirds",
  id: "two-thirds",
  name: "two-thirds"
}) }}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "One-half width"
  classes: "nhsuk-u-width-one-half",
  id: "one-half",
  name: "one-half"
}) }}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "One-third width"
  classes: "nhsuk-u-width-one-third",
  id: "one-third",
  name: "one-third"
}) }}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "One-quarter width"
  classes: "nhsuk-u-width-one-quarter",
  id: "one-quarter",
  name: "one-quarter"
}) }}
Close fluid width text input code

Using hint text

You can use hint text to give users help in context, so they understand what they need to enter. For example, use it to tell users where to find information or how you will use their data.

Open this hint text text input example in a new tab
Copy hint text text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example-with-hint-text">
    Enter a full postcode in England
  <div class="nhsuk-hint" id="example-with-hint-text-hint">
    For example, LS1 1AB
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-10" id="example-with-hint-text" name="example-with-hint-text" type="text" aria-describedby="example-with-hint-text-hint">
Close hint text text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for hint text text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy hint text text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "Enter a full postcode in England"
    hint: {
    text: "For example, LS1 1AB"
  id: "example-with-hint-text",
  name: "example-with-hint-text",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-10"
}) }}
Close hint text text input code

Asking for numbers

Whole numbers

If you're asking the user to enter a whole number and you want to bring up the numeric keypad on a mobile device, set the inputmode attribute to numeric and the pattern attribute to [0-9]*. See how to do this in the HTML and Nunjucks tabs in the following example.

Open this number text input example in a new tab
Copy number text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example-with-hint-text">
    What is your NHS number?
  <div class="nhsuk-hint" id="example-with-hint-text-hint">
    Your NHS number is a 10 digit number that you find on any letter the NHS has sent you. For example, 485 777 3456.
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-10" id="example-with-hint-text" name="example-with-hint-text" type="text" aria-describedby="example-with-hint-text-hint" inputmode="numeric">
Close number text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for number text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy number text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "What is your NHS number?"
  hint: {
    text: "Your NHS number is a 10 digit number that you find on any letter the NHS has sent you. For example, 485 777 3456."
  id: "example-with-hint-text",
  name: "example-with-hint-text",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-10",
  inputmode: "numeric"
}) }}
Close number text input code

You should also follow the GOV.UK Design System guidance and turn off HTML5 validation to prevent browsers from validating the pattern attribute.

The GOV.UK Design System has specific guidance on how to ask for:

Decimal numbers

The GOV.UK Design System has guidance on asking for decimal numbers.

Prefixes and suffixes

Use prefixes and suffixes to help users enter things like currencies and measurements.

Open this prefix and suffix text input example in a new tab
Copy prefix and suffix text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example">
    Cost per item, in pounds
  <div class="nhsuk-input__wrapper">

    <div class="nhsuk-input__prefix" aria-hidden="true">£</div>

    <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-5" id="example" name="example" type="text">
    <div class="nhsuk-input__suffix" aria-hidden="true">per item</div>


Close prefix and suffix text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for prefix and suffix text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy prefix and suffix text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
      text: "Cost per item, in pounds"
  id: "example",
  name: "example",
  prefix: "£",
  suffix: "per item",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-5"
}) }}
Close prefix and suffix text input code

Prefixes and suffixes are useful when there's a commonly understood symbol or abbreviation for the type of information you're asking for. Do not rely on prefixes or suffixes alone, because screen readers will not read them out.

If you need a specific type of information, say so in the input label or hint text as well. For example, put 'Cost, in pounds' in the input label and use the '£' symbol in the prefix.

Position prefixes and suffixes so that they're outside of their input. This is to avoid interfering with some browsers that might insert an icon into the input (for example to show or generate a password).

Some users may miss that the input already has a suffix or prefix, and enter a prefix or suffix into the input. Allow for this in your validation and do not show an error.

Text inputs with a prefix

Open this prefix text input example in a new tab
Copy prefix text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example">
    Cost in pounds
  <div class="nhsuk-input__wrapper">

    <div class="nhsuk-input__prefix" aria-hidden="true">£</div>

    <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-5" id="example" name="example" type="text">

Close prefix text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for prefix text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy prefix text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
      text: "Cost in pounds"
  id: "example",
  name: "example",
  prefix: "£",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-5"
}) }}
Close prefix text input code

Text inputs with a suffix

Open this suffix text input example in a new tab
Copy suffix text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example">
    Weight in kilograms
  <div class="nhsuk-input__wrapper">

    <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-5" id="example" name="example" type="text">
    <div class="nhsuk-input__suffix" aria-hidden="true">kg</div>


Close suffix text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for suffix text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy suffix text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
      text: "Weight in kilograms"
  id: "example",
  name: "example",
  suffix: "kg",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-5"
}) }}
Close suffix text input code

Error messages

Style error messages like this.

Open this error text input example in a new tab
Copy error text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group nhsuk-form-group--error">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example">
    Full name
  <span class="nhsuk-error-message" id="example-error">
    <span class="nhsuk-u-visually-hidden">Error:</span> Enter your full name
  <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-10 nhsuk-input--error" id="example" name="example" type="text" aria-describedby="example-error">
Close error text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for error text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy error text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "Full name"
  id: "example",
  name: "example",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-10",
  errorMessage: {
    text: "Enter your full name"
}) }}
Close error text input code

If the input has a prefix or a suffix

Open this error and prefix and suffix text input example in a new tab
Copy error and prefix and suffix text input code
<div class="nhsuk-form-group nhsuk-form-group--error">
  <label class="nhsuk-label" for="example">
    Cost per item, in pounds
  <span class="nhsuk-error-message" id="example-error">
    <span class="nhsuk-u-visually-hidden">Error:</span> Enter a cost per item, in pounds
  <div class="nhsuk-input__wrapper">

    <div class="nhsuk-input__prefix" aria-hidden="true">£</div>

    <input class="nhsuk-input nhsuk-input--width-5 nhsuk-input--error" id="example" name="example" type="text" aria-describedby="example-error">
    <div class="nhsuk-input__suffix" aria-hidden="true">per item</div>


Close error and prefix and suffix text input code
Nunjucks macro options

Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.

Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.

If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.

Nunjucks arguments for error and prefix and suffix text input
Name Type Required Description
id string true The id of the input.
name string true The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.
type string false Type of input control to render. Defaults to "text".
inputmode string false Optional value for inputmode.
value string false Optional initial value of the input.
describedBy string false One or more element IDs to add to the `aria-describedby` attribute, used to provide additional descriptive information for screenreader users.
label object true Options for the label component.
hint object false Options for the hint component.
errorMessage object false Options for the error message component. The error message component will not display if you use a falsy value for `errorMessage`, for example `false` or `null`.
prefix object false Options for the prefix element.
prefix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
prefix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the prefix.
prefix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the prefix element.
suffix object false Options for the suffix element.
suffix{}.text string true Required. If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.html string true Required. If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within the label. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
suffix{}.classes string false Classes to add to the suffix element.
suffix{}.attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the suffix element.
formGroup object false Options for the form-group wrapper
formGroup{}.classes string false Classes to add to the form group (for example to show error state for the whole group)
classes string false Classes to add to the input.
autocomplete string false autocomplete attribute to identify input purpose, for instance "postal-code" or "username".
pattern string false pattern attribute to provide a regular expression pattern, used to match allowed character combinations for the input value.
spellcheck boolean false Optional field to enable or disable the spellcheck attribute on the input.
attributes object false HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the input.
Copy error and prefix and suffix text input code
{% from 'input/macro.njk' import input %}

{{ input({
  label: {
    text: "Cost per item, in pounds"
  id: "example",
  name: "example",
  prefix: "£",
  suffix: "per item",
  classes: "nhsuk-input--width-5",
  errorMessage: {
    text: "Enter a cost per item, in pounds"
}) }}
Close error and prefix and suffix text input code


Do not disable copy and paste

Users often need to copy and paste information into a text input, so do not stop them doing this.


If you've used text input, please share your user research findings.

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If you have any questions, get in touch with the service manual team.

Updated: October 2023