What's new - Updates

Updates to the service manual.

February 2025

Updates to the service manual in February 2025
Section Update
Content guide

Updated guidance on PDFs and other non-HTML documents to mention WCAG 2.2

Design system

Added new panel component and confirmation page pattern

January 2025

Updates to the service manual in January 2025
Section Update

Removed same-page profession links as they have caused confusion in testing

Updated page on Getting started with accessibility

Content guide

Changed jump link IDs on the A to Z of NHS health writing

Design system

Updated example code in image component

Removed broken link on Select component page and added new research section

Changed jump link IDs on A to Z page pattern to lower case

Design system

Updated example code in image component

December 2024

Updates to the service manual in December 2024
Section Update
Design system

Replaced image in image component

November 2024

Updates to the service manual in November 2024
Section Update
Community and contribution

Added Community resources page to list resources based on the NHS design system.

Design system

Added a task list component and a pattern to help users complete multiple tasks

Changed side navigation in patterns

October 2024

Updates to the service manual in October 2024
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Updated Accessibility guidance to make it clear that:

  • the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 include WCAG 2.1
  • teams are now monitored to WCAG 2.2

September 2024

Updates to the service manual in September 2024
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Updated link section to recommend avoiding "see"

Content guide

Rewrote our guidance on age to make it clearer

Added Down's syndrome, fit note and period products to the A to Z of NHS health writing

Updated fetus, microgram and NHS in the A to Z

Updated links guidance to recommend avoiding "see"

Updated section on capitalisation to mention geographical names

Design system

Made minor changes to typography section:

  • updated guidance on heading sizes
  • increased large and medium heading size on desktop and mobile
  • tweaked line-heights for headings
  • reduced heading captions sizes
  • tweaked the typography print styles

Tweaked the spacing around the breadcrumbs and back link, with a recommendation to put back link top of page

Updated page template guidance and examples:

  • new breadcrumbs position within content page template
  • added guidance on heading sizes for content pages
  • updated the Options table

Added table caption size classes

NHS service standard

Updated About the NHS service standard


Updated the service manual team page

Updated service manual team email address on Get in touch and other pages

July 2024

Updates to the service manual in July 2024
Section Update
Design system

Added new warning button to buttons component

Updated table component examples and guidance, with information about responsive tables, including when to use them

Fixed alignment between header, footer and main content in page template examples

Improved fieldset component guidance to better explain their uses and importance for accessibility

Improved tabs component guidance to explain how tabs should operate using a keyboard or screen reader

Improved guidance on contrast and accessibility on colour page

June 2024

Updates to the service manual in April 2024
Section Update
Design system

Added guidance for headings with captions

Updated breadcrumbs component's Nunjucks macro options descriptions

Updated error summary guidance to explain that the NHS.UK frontend will add focus on page load

Accessibility guidance

Updated link section to point to updated links guidance in content guide

Content guide

Updated link guidance to use "new tab" instead of "new window"

April 2024

Updates to the service manual in April 2024
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Added new accessibility requirements: WCAG 2.2

Added sections on making sure your service meets WCAG 2.2 for: Product and delivery and Design, Development and Testing

Design system

Added list of changes to meet new accessibility requirements to design system

Updated components and styles for WCAG 2.2:

  • Back link: guidance on positioning and keeping data the user has entered
  • Breadcrumbs: guidance on positioning
  • Buttons: guidance on minimum target size
  • Error message: guidance on not clearing data the user has entered
  • Footer: guidance on placing help links
  • Header: guidance on placing help links and not hiding content that has a focus applied
  • Select: guidance on avoiding click and drag
  • Summary list: guidance on action link target size and keeping data the user has entered
  • Tag: guidance on avoiding click and drag
  • Focus state: guidance on not hiding content that has a focus applied
  • Icons: guidance on minimum target size

Updated site map

March 2024

Updates to the service manual in January 2024
Section Update
Content guide

Updated outstanding COVID-19 entries in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Deleted entry for NHS COVID Pass as this service has closed

Design system

Right aligned copyright statement in the footer component

Fixed target size issue on A to Z page


Added new page Feedback or share insights in Community and contribution section

Updated the "Help us improve this guidance" section at the bottom of pages across the site

Updated site map

January 2024

Updates to the service manual in January 2024
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Introduced WCAG 2.2 requirement in Accessibility guidance

Updated NHS accessibility checklist to reflect WCAG 2.2

Content guide

Renamed "Content style guide" "Content guide"

Added new British Sign Language (BSL) quality assurance standard

Added mention of "convulsions" to entry on "seizure or fit" in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Amended entry for "NHS 111 online" in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Updated the standard for creating health content to refer to WCAG 2.2

Design system

Clarified content about font on typography page

Added section on copyright to the footer component and updated examples

Explained about headings below Do and Don't list and warning callout components

Changed example of radio items with hints

Reworded care card component

Introduced WCAG 2.2 requirement on the design system home page

NHS service standard

Added section on AI and digital healthcare technologies to standard 8 in the NHS service standard

Added section about the AI and Digital Regulations Service to section 16 of the NHS service standard

Added link to the AI and Digital Regulations Service for health and social care from section 11 of the NHS service standard

Updated service standard 5 to refer to WCAG 2.2


Updated site map

Updated service manual footer to say (c) NHS England

October 2023

Updates to the service manual in October 2023
Section Update
Design system

Updated header and footer components

Added prefix and suffix examples to text input component

Content style guide

Updated link to health literacy toolkit on our health literacy page

Changed "heritage" to "background" on the page about ethnicity, religion and nationality to bring it into line with rest of page

August 2023

Updates to the service manual in August 2023
Section Update
Design system

Added 3 new variants to card component: top task, primary and secondary cards

Added updated PDF with new principle 10 to design principles page

Added brief section on bold, italics and underlining to Typography page

Content style guide

Added new section on Designing content for people who struggle with numbers on the Numbers, measurements, dates and time page

Added new entry for "online consultation" in the A to Z of NHS health content

Added guidance on bold, italics and underlining on the Formatting and punctuation page

Added to guidance on dashes on Formatting and punctuation page

Changed guidance on time on Numbers, measurements, dates and time page

Changed entry for "coronavirus (COVID-19)" to "COVID-19" in the A to Z

Changed entry for "secure message" in the A to Z

Changed NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) to NHS England (NHSE) in the A to Z

Deleted 077718 300 300 from phone numbers section in the A to Z

Deleted NHS Test and Trace and NHS Covid-19 app from the A to Z


Update site map with Character count and Tabs

April 2023

Updates to the service manual in April 2023
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Added new section on accessibility widgets and overlays to the guidance for designers and developers

Added new section in the guidance on meeting the requirements, aimed at teams working to short deadlines, with other minor updates to the page

Linked to the NHS accessibility checklist

Removed mention of GDS empathy lab (now closed)

Duplicated guidance for testers on giving users time to act on devs and designers pages

Design system

Added 2 new experimental components: character count and tabs

Added a new sustainability principle to the Design principles

Updated the breadcrumbs styling

Service standard

Added links to the NHS Constitution from the information about the NHS service standard and the guidance on service standard 5

Added links to NHS Digital's API policies and best practice from service standard 17


Changed "NHS Digital" to "NHS England" following the merger

January 2023

Updates to the service manual in January 2023
Section Update
Content style guide

Added new entries to the A to Z of NHS health writing, including "clinician", "perinatal", "secure message", "SMS", "triage", and a number of coronavirus (COVID-19) related entries

Amended a wrong example phone number in A to Z of NHS health writing (in last release)

Design system

Added button example to back link component

Added double click prevention example to buttons component

Updated information on future guidance in images component

Standards and technology

Linked to the NHS data standards directory from point 17 in the NHS service standard

October 2022

Updates to the service manual in October 2022
Section Update
Design system

Fixed link and ID reference in A to Z page which caused the A-Z list not to link to any cards.

Standards and technology

Linked to the NHS data standards directory from point 17 in the NHS service standard

September 2022

Updates to the service manual in September 2022
Section Update
Content style guide

Added entries for negative, specialty and opticians, optometrists, ophthalmologists and orthoptists to the A to Z of NHS health writing

Amended entry for positive in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Added maximum length to section on alt text in skin symptoms guidance

Fixed link in coronavirus (COVID-19) entry in A to Z of NHS health writing

Standards and technology

Updated and fixed links in point 17 in the NHS service standard

Other pages

Updated timescales about reduced service on service manual team page

July 2022

Updates to the service manual in July 2022
Section Update
Content style guide

Added a new entry for integrated care boards (ICBs), in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Removed link to the old Information Standard from the standard for creating health content and added a sentence about the value of good content

Removed a link and fixed another in skin symptoms guidance

Design system

Removed a confusing date from the reference to the NHS Constitution in the design principles

Replaced the old Information Standard link on the review date pattern (Reassure users that a page is up to date) with a link to the new standard for creating health content


Added 2 new blog posts to What's new

May 2022

Updates to the service manual in May 2022
Section Update
Content style guide

Added a new standard for creating health content, developed with NHS England

Made minor tweaks to the standard based on feedback after publication

Added a link to Hemingway Editor tool from the How we write page

Removed a broken link from the Numbers, measurements, dates and time page


Removed old blog posts from point 1 in the NHS service standard and added recent posts

Updated the service manual team page

Updated the site map

Removed the feedback survey from the home page, footer and several other pages

March 2022

Updates to the service manual in March 2022
Section Update
Standards and technology

Renamed the standards and technology section which now includes a new section about key techologies as well as the NHS service standard

Added 2 new pages about NHS login and the Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

Added links from NHS service standard 11 to the NHS login and PDS pages

Linked to Tero Väänänen's blog post from service standard points 1, 2 and 6


Added new posts by Tero Väänänen and Kathryn Grace to the blog posts page

February 2022

Updates to the service manual in February 2022
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Linked from guidance on using alternative text to section on providing a long description in skin symptoms guidance

Content style guide

Changed Inclusive language page to an Inclusive content section and added skin symptoms guidance to it

Updated skin symptoms guidance after user testing. In particular, added more information about long descriptions.

Updated the NHSX and fixed inconsistencies in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Deleted mentions of Behind the Headlines from the A to Z of NHS health writing

Updated wording about Open Document Formats (with a link) in guidance on PDFs and other non-HTML documents

Fixed 2 typos on the Formatting and punctuation page

Design system

Linked from images component to section on providing a long description in skin symptoms guidance

NHS service standard

Removed the beta banner from the NHS service standard


Updated the service manual team page

January 2022

Updates to the service manual in January 2022
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Updated information about closed captions (sometimes called subtitles) in the section on making video and other multimedia content accessible

Removed some detail from the section on checking colour contrast and added it to the design system page on colour instead

Content style guide

Added new section on aligning text on formatting and punctuation page

Added an entry for booster in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Added the word "only" to guidance on avoiding linking to PDFs on the Links page

Updated link to WC3 WCAG2.1 in section on avoiding opening new windows or tabs on Links page

Design system

Added new section on text alignment on typography page

Added more detail about colour contrast and accessibility to the page on colour

Added a sentence about not using "none of the above" to the checkboxes component "none" option

Updated link to information about modulus 11 algorithm in the pattern for asking users for their NHS number

NHS service standard

Linked to Involving people and communities in digital services (on NHSX's website) from standard 1 and standard 5


Updated service manual team page

December 2021

Updates to the service manual in December 2021
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

New page where you can download accessibility posters, with 6 posters for different professions


Updated the service manual team page

November 2021

Updates to the service manual in November 2021
Section Update
Content style guide

Updated links to point to the new pattern for helping users decide when and where to get care (care cards) from:

Design system

Reworked the care card component as a pattern to help users decide when and where to get care, with updated guidance

Updated links to point to the new pattern from the colour page and from these components:

Amended the care cards component page to direct people to the pattern instead

Added a review date component page to direct people to the pattern for reassuring users that a page is up to date instead

NHS service standard

Added the word "reuse" alongside "build" and "buy" in the guidance on service standard 11


Updated the site map and service manual team page

October 2021

Updates to the service manual in October 2021
Section Update
Design system

Added a new start page pattern and guidance

Changed case of the word "or" in the "none" option of the checkboxes component

September 2021

Updates to the service manual in September 2021
Section Update
Across the service manual

Added more links to our feedback survey – on the Qualtrics website

Content style guide

Updates to the section on ethnicity, religion and nationality in the Inclusive content section

New entries for "BAME", "Black or black", "BME", "ethnic minorities", "ethnicity", "race" and "White or white" in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Added note about "Black or black" and "White or white" to the section on capitalisation on the Formatting and punctuation page

New entry for "positive" in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Design system

Added "none" option to the checkboxes component

Team page

Updated the service manual team page

August 2021

Updates to the service manual in August 2021
Section Update
Content style guide

New entries on NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) and NHSX in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Design system

Added 2 more bullet points to the guidance on image captions in the image component

What's new

Week 1: the latest from the NHS additional language support discovery – new set of week notes from the service manual team

July 2021

Updates to the service manual in July 2021
Section Update
Across the service manual

Added a feedback survey - on Qualtrics website

NHS service standard

Added new paragraph on the page about the NHS service standard, under the heading "NHS services and the GOV.UK service standard"

Added new section in point 5: Make sure everyone can use the service to explain what we mean by inclusion and accessibility. Also added a reference to the 2018 accessibility regulations.

Clarified what we mean by "agile" in point 7. Use agile ways of working

Clarified what we mean by "iteration" for live teams in point 8. Iterate and improve frequently

Added information about privacy policies and data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) in point 9. Respect and protect users' confidentiality and privacy

Design system

Brought all guidance on captions together in the images component

Brought the images component example into line with the accessibility guidance on using alt-text for images in content

June 2021

Updates to the service manual in June 2021
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Updated guidance on length of alt-text in section on using alternative text for images in content

Moved guidance on image captions from the accessibility guidance to the images component

Content style guide

New section: Skin symptoms

New entries in the A to Z of NHS health writing for: black skin, brown skin, redness, skin colour changes, white skin

Some guidance on writing about skin colour in the section on Ethnicity, religion and nationality in the Inclusive content section

Updated entries in the A to Z of NHS health writing on immunisation, jab, vaccine, and vaccination

New entries in the A to Z for GP online services and ID

Design system

Brought all guidance on captions together in the images component

Brought images component example into line with the accessiblity guidance on using alt-text for images in content

Added real error message example to date input component

May 2021

Updates to the service manual in May 2021
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Updated section on making video and other multimedia content accessible

April 2021

Updates to the service manual in April 2021
Section Update
Service manual

Added content in the design system, content style guide, accessibility guidance and service standard to encourage people to contribute and improve the service manual

Content style guide

Added a new entry for GP system supplier names and patient-facing services to the A to Z of NHS health writing

Linked from our content style guide entry for coronavirus (COVID-19) to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) A to Z on GOV.UK

March 2021

Updates to the service manual in March 2021
Section Update
Accessibility guidance

Updated guidance on accessibility statements within the product and delivery page

Design system

Removed the review date component and replaced it with the "Reassure users that a page is up to date" pattern

Team page

Added a new "service manual team" page

February 2021

Updates to the service manual in February 2021
Section Update
Content style guide

Updated our guidance on PDFs and other non-HTML documents

Added explanation and more examples to the section on hyphens and dashes

Removed the readability tools page and explained that we do not recommend them on our health literacy page. Removed 2 broken links from health literacy page.

Amended the site map page to bring it into line with the site map entry in the style guide

Design system

Added page template guidance

January 2021

Updates to the service manual in January 2021
Section Update
Content style guide

Updated the guidance on dates

Added more examples to the section on capitalisation

Added a new entry for "site map" and updated the entry for the NHS App in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Added more links between the A to Z of NHS health writing and the rest of the content style guide

Design system

Added guidance for asking for whole numbers using the text input component

Updated code examples with inputmode numeric for the ask users for their NHS number pattern and date inputcomponent

Updated code example for the font weight normal override class

December 2020

Updates to the service manual in December 2020
Section Update
Content style guide

Added new and updated guidance on using bold, contractions in URLs and page titles, full stops and quotation marks to the page about formatting and punctuation

Added new entries for GUM clinic and vial to the A to Z of NHS health writing

Removed readability tool page with broken link to SMOG calculator while we consider it further

Design system

Removed full stops from the card component and other cards in the service manual to align with the content style guide

Updated typography bulleted lists and numbered lists examples

Corrected date in images component

October 2020

Updates to the service manual in October 2020
Section Update
Design system

Added card component

Added responsive table component

Added tag component

Added nhsuk-link--no-visited-state style for links in typography

Update warning callout guidance with a section on making headings accessible

September 2020

Updates to the service manual in September 2020
Section Update
Content style guide

Added new entry for phone and phone numbers to A to Z of NHS health writing

August 2020

Updates to the service manual in August 2020
Section Update

Added NHS digital accessibility posters

Content style guide

Added new entry for NHS Test and Trace to A to Z of NHS health writing

Design system

Added prototype kit how to guides link to the prototyping page

Get in touch

Added a new "Get in touch" page

June 2020

Updates to the service manual in June 2020
Section Update
Design system

Updated guidance and added more examples for the error message component

May 2020

Updates to the service manual in May 2020
Section Update
Design system

Added guidance for the main wrapper spacing modifier classes

Updated the footer component guidance

April 2020

Updates to the service manual in April 2020
Section Update

Updated the backlog of components and patterns

Design system

Added conditionally revealing radio and checkbox components

March 2020

Updates to the service manual in February 2020
Section Update
Content style guide

Added new entries for calories, Deaf people, hearing loss, death and trimesters to A to Z of NHS health writing

Added a reference from disease to "condition" in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Added a new section on calories to the Numbers, measurements, dates and time page

Mentioned the social model of disability in the section on disabilities and conditions in the Inclusive content section

Changed the memorable number example under telephone numbers in the A to Z of NHS writing and explained that we use "call" or "phone"

Removed "straight away" from our guidance on hyphens

Standardised links in the A to Z of NHS health writing

Added new entry for coronavirus (COVID-19) to A to Z of NHS health writing

Design system

Updated Patterns index page with new wording after testing

Service manual policies

Updated cookie policy with information about other organisations' cookies

Updated Your privacy page with information about other organisations' cookies and with a section on social media

What's new

We published a new video of our public show and tell on YouTube.

February 2020

Updates to the service manual in February 2020
Section Update
Content style guide

Added a new entry in the A to Z of NHS health writing for "GP" and an updated entry for doctor"

Added an explanation about using months up to 2 years to the section on age in the Inclusive content section

Added new guidance on telephone numbers to the A to Z of NHS health writing, based on GOV.UK guidance

Improved the guidance on ordinal numbers on the Numbers, measurements, dates and time page

Removed the reference to the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors on the content style guide hub page and added contact details instead

Updated guidance on sex and intersex in the Inclusive content section

Clarified guidance on temperature on the A to Z of NHS health writing page and in the measurements section on the Numbers, measurements, dates and time page

Updated presentation of examples on the Numbers, measurement, dates and time page

Amended wording of links on design example boxes across the design system

Design system

Added guidance and examples of an error summary and an error message working together

January 2020

Updates to the service manual in January 2020
Section Update
Site wide

Moved service manual from "beta" to "live". Added main, side and in-page navigation and other design changes


Added new page: Backlog of components and patterns

Content style guide

Updated the Inclusive content section with revised guidance on "sex, gender and sexuality", "ethnicity, religion and nationality" and "age"

Added new entries for "chronic", "acute", "renal" and "kidney" to the A to Z of NHS health writing

Updated the A to Z of NHS health writing with entries for "pharmacy", "chemist" and "sex assigned or registered at birth"

Made it easier for people to understand negative contractions. Added "can't or cannot" and "don't or do not" to the A to Z of NHS health writing

Amended the guidance on using the number 1 on the Numbers, measurements, dates and time page

Amended index page and side navigation of How to write good questions to improve search results


Updated Cookies page to reflect current cookies practice and let people opt in

Design system

Added a Hint text page to components after research showed users did not look for it in text input and other components

Amended wording on Prototyping page and Production code page

Get in touch

Added "Need help?" and "Get in touch" to pages across the site

NHS service standard

Amended NHS service standard page and About the NHS service standard page to make it clear that teams working to the GOV.UK service standard must meet all 14 points

Updated section 17 of the service standard with more detail about interoperability standards

Terms and conditions

Updated Terms and conditions page to make it clear the service manual is covered by the Open Government Licence

What's new

Added What's new section with updates and blog pages

Your privacy

Amended Your privacy page to reflect service manual policy and practice

December 2019

Updates to the service manual in December 2019
Section Update
Content style guide Updated the Formatting and punctuation page with guidance on full sentence bullet lists
NHS service standard Updated the NHS service standard to make it clearer how it supports the GOV.UK service standard
Search Added search functionality to the service manual

November 2019

Updates to the service manual in November 2019/caption>
Section Update
Content style guide

New guidance on how to write good questions in forms

Updated the A to Z of NHS health writing with a new entry on how to write the NHS number

Design system

New pattern page: Ask users for their NHS number

New style page: Focus state

New component page: Summary list

Improved Header component page with guidance on the new organisational header

Improved guidance on Colour page with guidance on defining focus styles, and Typography page with updated guidance on using the Frutiger licence